I like my job, I like to make people beautiful and happy. I like to swim, to cook, to do sport, to travel, to dance.
I am a noble person, loyal, responsible, with a lot of force to live, to conquer the dreams; to continue dreaming. Every day I wake up with my best smile and give thanks to life for the opportunity to continue living, for the opportunity to continue learning and the opportunity to correct my mistakes and be a better person.
50 - 85 years old
Seeking a man with strong inner values, mature in his emotions. A man who likes to talk, who likes walking, who wants to build strong happy relationship in which respect, love and strength.
Mariah Carey - Endless love
I like roses
I like spring very much
I love white roses
I like blue, pink, red
I like nice clothes no matter what style. The most important to feel pretty and comfort
I like to spend time on the nature.
happy wife in my husband's hands
I believe in good fortune
Always smile no matter what happens
I love to cook and my favorite dish is special meat with vegetables
I don't go to night clubs
yes, I like to spend time at home with my family
yes, I am ready to move to other country
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